
Research with Dan Cogalniceanu

Main research interests

  • Ecology, evolution, behavior and conservation of amphibians
  • Management and conservation of wetlands
  • Biodiversity assessment
  • Early detection of alien species
  • Management of protected areas

My major field of expertise is the ecology, evolution, behavior and conservation of amphibians, focusing on life history adaptations in disturbance-dominated ecological systems.

I am also interested in the management and conservation of wetlands, with an emphasis on large river floodplains, alpine lakes, and temporary ponds.

Biodiversity assessment is another topic I am interested in, especially the estimation of species richness and the dynamics at different time and space scales of species diversity.

Management of protected areas focusing on monitoring practices and restoration of degraded habitats.

Managing alien species and their threats.


PNRR/2022/C9/MCID/I5 Integrated research and sustainable solutions to protect and restore Lower Danube Basin and coastal Black Sea ecosystems” (ResPonSE) (2023-2025).

FishME – Social and ecological effects of Fish removal in Mountain Ecosystem (2022-2024)

Alp-Change – Predicting the response of alpine communities to global changes

COST Pesticide Risk Assessment for Amphibians and Reptiles


COST Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science

INTERASPATools for modeling processes at the interface between water, soil, plants and air in order to promote the sustainable management of groundwater dependent ecosystems and their integrating river basins

ASTRA-ENVAdaptive strategies in amphibians under environmental stress. Bilateral Romania-Valonia

Senior Prometeo Investigator, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador (2014-2016)
Inventory of amphibians and reptiles in Reserva Bosque Buenaventura

East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species – a tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (ESENIAS-TOOLS) (2015-2017)

InterAct 2017 Amphibians in the Arctic– Aging and Growth on the Edge

Is range limited by life history, environmental conditions or biogeographical barriers? A study case using spadefoot toads (genus Pelobates) (2011-2016)

Inventory of reptiles in Qatar. (2013) Photos

Impact of reindeer overgrazing on biodiversity in Lapland, Finland. (2013) Photos Kolari Photos Oulanka

Impact of global changes on populations at the limits of their ranges – bilateral cooperation Romania-Argentina (2013-2014)

Monitoring and detection system for invasive species, a CNCSIS grant (2007-2010)

European Mountain lake Ecosystems: Regionalisation, diaGnostics & socio-economic Evaluation – EMERGE (2000-2003) financed by the European Commission Framework Program V (

The inventory of alpine lakes in the Retezat National Park, ANSTI grant (1999-2002).

Life history adaptations in amphibian populations inhabiting extreme habitats research grants in Lapland, Finland (August 2003, July 2009, August 2010), financed by the EU Lapbiat program.

Evaluation of the impact of global changes along an altitudinal gradient on Rana temporaria populations from the Retezat National Park, CNCSIS grant (2004-2006).

Amphibian and butterfly species inventory in the future Hateg Geopark, Romania a Rufford Small Grant for Nature Conservation (2004-2005).

Comparative studies regarding the biodiversity of coastal habitats, the anthropogenic impact and the possibilities for conservation and restoration of important European habitats between Cape Midia (Romania) and Cape Kaliakra (Bulgaria), a PHARE CBC grant (2007-2008),

The distribution of fauna and vegetation on island analogues (hills and hillocks) in the vicinity of the Măcin Mountains Natural Park, Romania, a British Ecological Society Small Ecological Project grant (2006-2008).

